1. The next time I have to organize a big event where I have to schmooze/boss around politicians and other dignitaries, would someone please tell me I have a rooster tail growing out of the top of my head?Oh and what’s up with that massive prom zit on my chin? I’m forty-one years old. Weren’t those supposed to stop coming around, oh, I don’ t know – about twenty-one years ago??
Just doing my best to stay humble.
2. I’ve never been one to get hooked on computer games or electronic games of any kind. Or any games for that matter. Sudoku? Boring. Solitaire? Oh I might be able to kill 15 minutes or so, but after you’ve seen those cards topple once or twice, who cares anymore? Crossword puzzles? I get frustrated after about the third word. Tetris? Once in a while, but rarely. So then WHY am I suddenly getting hooked on a word search game on a KIDS’ WEBSITE?? When Julie scored 48 points for a word, I just HAD to top her. Oh yeah – 57 points! But then it wouldn’t let me use a doozy of a word – warehouse – because it limits the words to 8 letters. What’s up with THAT? When I crashed and burned at level 7, I couldn’t rest until I got to 8… and then, wouldn’t you know it, the website announced a scheduled shut-down and then disappeared. IN THE MIDDLE OF MY HIGHEST SCORE YET! The audacity! I went to bed twitching and dreaming of words I could have used. (For those of you who are now determined to beat my score – sorry, you can only get on to Quizzy’s word search if your kid has a Webkinz toy and password!) Oh dear. Where do I sign up for Quizzy’s word search anonymous?
3. Did I tell you I joined a dragon boat racing team? Just for fun? Yeah, apparently I think it’s FUN to subject your body to an hour of torture a couple of times a week. And it’s FUN to suffer pain in muscles you never knew you had in the first place. And it’s oh so much FUN to have the steer-person yell at you “pull! hard!” just when you feel like you’re ready to melt into a puddle in the middle of the boat. Or vomit over the edge into the murky river water. Fun, baby. It’s fun. (In all seriousness, though, it really is fun. Watch for pictures after the tournament this weekend.)