As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.

Here’s some of my earlier writing… 

What’s revealed by the pain

I was reading something this weekend about pain and how it's the body's way of telling us there's something we need to pay attention to. And then I thought... it works for the heart and the mind too. I've had a few pain points lately. Learning to adjust to this new...

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Who am I? What it means to have an external locus of identity

When you have an external locus of identity (or at least primarily lean in that direction on a spectrum), you tend to rely heavily on validation from others and on your ability to meet the standards set by your culture/career/family/religion/etc. Without much capacity for internal validation and self-worth, you feel insecure or inadequate when external factors don’t validate you.

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Pausing to let joy in

Listen to me read the post... “You need to pause to let joy in.” Those words popped into my head one day last week while I was sitting on the couch, weary after a long day of book-launch-related tasks, which followed several long days of gathering the things I need to...

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Becoming part of the landscape

Listen to me read the post... I had a dream once, that my body had become part of the landscape. The curve of my belly was now a hill that people and animals were walking across. Small children were playing on my forearms and trees were growing in the soil between my...

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Remembering how to pray

Listen to me read the post: I wake up among the treetops. I peek out the window near my head and I see the shadowy lake below, surrounded by the shadowy trees. Across the lake, I hear the train that was probably the reason for my waking. I close my eyes and a smile...

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A love letter to the woman at the lake

Listen to me read the post: I came here, to the lake, feeling discouraged and a little burnt out from putting so much free content into the world. This is the time of year I have to be the most active on social media because we are marketing our Fall programs, both...

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Shawnigan Lake, B.C.

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