Remember my vacation list from a couple of posts ago? Well, my vacation has only just begun, and I’ve already done almost everything on the list. Plus a few other things like:
– visited the farmers’ market with Julie
– brought home a colourful bouquet of flowers, just for fun– had a weiner roast with Marcel’s parents
– ate s’mores around a campfire
– went for an evening stroll in the campground with Julie and Maddie– held hands with Maddie while she drifted off to sleep in the tent beside me
– stared up at a midnight sky blanketed with stars
– pointed out the big dipper to Julie and Maddie
– cooked an absolutely delicious meal on a grate over the fire pit
– waded in the beach while Maddie went for a late evening dip (how delighted she was to be almost the only one in the water!)– took pictures until Julie was almost ready to swear at me
– ate fresh vegetables from my father-in-law’s garden
– and a bunch of other things that might not make the top-ten-list of ultimate vacations in any travel magazine, but were delightful to me.
About the only thing short of making this the perfect August long weekend was a missing daughter. Nikki spent the weekend at a friend’s cabin. We missed her, but we had fun without her.
Tomorrow brings even more holiday adventure – starting with an anniversary breakfast with my husband. Come back tomorrow and I’ll share our fourteen-year-old wedding pictures, for a good laugh. 🙂