(yes, I’m feeling spinny today)
Alternate title: A day in the life of my brain at work
- Should I order more newsletters, or will 18,000 be enough?
- Did I catch all the mistakes on the design proof of the brochure, or will someone point out a glaring error the moment 10,000 of them arrive in my office from the printer?
- Is there something I committed to doing tonight that I’m forgetting?
- What should I take along to read on my trip next week?
- When will I find the time to prepare my speaking notes for Monday’s meeting? On the airplane?
- I hope the band they hired for the conference I’ll be at next week won’t be the same country gospel one they had at the last conference I attended. (Please don’t hate me if you happen to like country gospel – it’s just not my thing.)
- When will I get the first phone call from a disgruntled supporter saying that we shouldn’t have mentioned the connection between fossil fuel consumption and climate change in our newsletter?
- Do they REALLY want 29,000 copies of the brochure? Just how many trees did that kill? Can I use recycled paper?
- How will I replace one of my key staff members who gave his notice this week? Yikes!
- Will we be ready to launch our big new program by early next month? Will I have an aneurysm before then?
- After three years of monthly conference calls with my team, WHY haven’t I learned to ask the questions so that I’m not met with stone-cold silence almost every time I ask for feedback on something?
- Oooo… the new website is going to look SO lovely! Why didn’t I get this done years ago?
- Will the designer hate me when he gets my email for 35 picky little changes to the document?