It’s amazing what you can accomplish in 5 hours. I’ve just had the gift of five hours of creative time in my studio. Thanks to my supportive husband and (mostly) understanding kids, I’m trying to carve out 5 hours every morning of the next 2 weeks (before I go back to work) for studio time.
This morning was the first installment and OH MY what a delight! I managed to finish a painting that will be the banner for my new website, do a little writing, take a few pictures, and just get lost in my imagination. Even though it meant getting up at 7:00 a.m. on my holidays, it was SO worth it!
Things are starting to fall together for the fulfillment of my big dream and I’m as giddy as Maddy was when she saw all the friendly comments about her art giveaway. (That girl knows how to BOUNCE!) I can almost taste it, and oh, it tastes good! Yes, the practical truth is that I have to go back to work in a couple of weeks, but that’s not stopping me from dreaming about the day (I’m hoping it’s by next summer), that I’ll have managed to create a big enough space to hold my dreams AND provide enough income that makes quitting my job not too much of a hardship for my family.
It’s going to be hard to pull myself out of my studio in 20 minutes (I told my family I’d emerge by noon), but I will be able to do it feeling refreshed and happy.
And speaking of my studio… another package arrived in the mail today – this time from the lovely, talented, incredibly encouraging, big dreamin’ rockstar, Jamie Ridler. It’s my very own little Jamie-created dreamboard! I think I will get lost in the dreaminess of it – especially the picture at the top that she says is “my book”. (Yes, a book is in the works as well as the website!)
Here’s Jamie’s contribution. Thank you Jamie!If you’re curious about why I’m getting lovely art packages in the mail, you can read about it here. And you can see some of the other pieces here. And if you want to get in on the action, leave a comment or send me an email and I’ll send you my mailing address.