In years to come, we’ll probably refer to the summer of 2009 as the “summer that wasn’t”. I don’t remember when we’ve had so much disappointing weather. Mostly cool and rainy… followed by more cool and rainy. I think I wore shorts twice, and when I went shopping for clothes in the middle of the summer, I bought cardigan sweaters instead of cute little summer outfits.
But… at least it finished well! Gotta look on the bright side, I suppose. We just finished a perfectly lovely long weekend and we managed to celebrate the sun and warmth in almost every way we could. We went for bike rides, we took an artists’ studio tour of the interlake region north of our fair city, we went to the beach (as did thousands upon thousands of other starved-for-summer folks – oh my – the crowds!), we ate ice cream, we went for more bike rides, we went for drinks on a patio with friends, we went for walks – we did it all. Basically, we tried to live a whole summer in one weekend and, short of sitting by a campfire, we almost did.At least now we’ll be a little more prepared when Fall starts knocking at our door.