At the end of the day…
Don’t ask yourself “did I make a lot of money today?” Ask yourself “did I share my giftedness in a meaningful way?” Don’t ask yourself “did I achieve my goals?” Ask yourself “did I do meaningful work that brought me joy?” Don’t ask yourself “did I get a lot of hits on my website?” Ask yourself “did I offer my heart?” Don’t ask yourself “did I influence a lot of people?” Ask yourself “did I offer comfort or wisdom to at least one person?” Don’t ask yourself “was I successful?” Ask yourself “was I true to my calling?” Don’t ask yourself “did I out-perform the competition?” Ask yourself “did I offer the best work I could do?” Don’t ask yourself “did I expand my network?” Ask yourself “did I make any new friends?” Don’t ask yourself “were people impressed with me?” Ask yourself “was I authentic?” Don’t ask yourself “Did I prove how smart I am?” Ask yourself “am I willing to learn from others?” Don’t ask yourself “did I make a difference in the world?” Ask yourself “did I allow God to make a difference through me?”