“Heather is an exceptional teacher, with a warm, student-centric and creative style that makes learning easy, applicable and fun. I truly looked forward to her writing class every Monday. Most importantly she really did push me out of my comfort zone in terms of my writing. I am grateful for that.” – Tamara Horbatiuk
“Heather’s class, Mandala Discovery, touched me so deeply. The daily invitations to journey into dark corners and light spaces and back out were steeped in grace and meaning for me. There was a rhythm to this offering that felt deeply personal–as if Heather was speaking to me alone. Take this course and find yourself and your center in the journey.” –Patti Digh, author of Life is a Verb
“Heather amazes me. Yes, her spiritual intelligence, eclectic experience, writing wizardy, and teaching acumen are astonishing but what truly makes her someone you must work with is her heart. It has been tempered with truth, loss, and committed practice, and she brings this depth to all that she does. Heather is the guide you want for your life.” – Jen Louden
“Heather and (her associate) Diane are keen to make sure they understand their client’s needs – and that their client understands their needs too. They support their clients’ exploration of the work that needs to be done, and the deep intentions for that work. They recognize that the more clear the client is, the better they can serve their client. When it comes time to pull the client’s stakeholders together, they create the conditions necessary to honour and respect the voices in the room, an essential quality of space that allows collective insight to emerge amidst great conflict.” – Beth Sanders, Canadian Institute of Planners
“The words to describe Heather and what she offers simply don’t exist. Words are based off what we already know – Heather offers insight into that which we have yet to discover. Brilliantly honest, she speaks not only to the practical but to the soul longing to be understood, to be heard. I have had the good fortune to share in her wisdom through her workbook, group phone calls, and one-on-one conversation. Because of these, I feel not only understood – but have the support, information, and inspiration to move forward on my own journey with a fierce confidence and clarity.” – Lisa Wilson
“Our work together has been extremely powerful for me. As a professional doing something similar to what you do it takes a lot to impress me. I am very grateful for your mentoring. You have been a coach’s coach for me.” – Dr. Kay Vogt, coaching client
“Heather approaches coaching from a position of vulnerability rather than superiority or expertise. She speaks the language of the drum, cutting through the noise in your head to rhythm of your inner heartbeat, offering both comfort and challenge as she dances with you through the stories that you have let define yourself. She gently, but clearly, shines light on the lies you have let own you, helping you see truth and your ability to choose to believe it.” – Krista dela Rosa, business partner
“This dynamic and fun class (Pathfinder Circle) was done in a virtual circle. I loved that. And Heather gave us such helpful tools to really deepen our writing experience. I was not a writer when I began the class. Now I am, committed to the task of daily writing, with such great tools to really help me be successful. This was a wonderful heart opening experience. I would highly recommend it.” – Suzan Nolan
“I interned for Heather straight out of University. To some, intern may mean coffee runs and photocopying. But that was certainly not the case working for Heather. She entrusted me with real projects and put faith and trust into my ability to accomplish those projects. I cannot express how empowering that was to a young person in her first real professional environment. When I think back on working with Heather, it’s not boss or manager that come to mind, but leader and mentor and friend. Heather’s gentle encouragement of me to spread my wings literally began charting my career in a direction I never planned or imagined. Today, I am a relatively new manager of people and I recently hired my first intern. I have literally aspired to be the same type of leader for this young person that Heather was for me. And that is perhaps the biggest compliment to Heather’s leadership.” – Gabriela Klimes
“Heather, when I took your Creative Writing course at the University of Winnipeg it was hands down one of the best classes I have attended. Thank you for engaging yourself as you did with your students and making us feel like we could accomplish anything we put our minds too. You were really great and I hope one day I have the opportunity to learn from you again.” – Shelley Harrison
“Heather has been extremely inspirational and supportive of my journey as a young woman and a young leader. She has pushed me further than anyone. She speaks from the heart and truly has a passion for assisting you on your own journey. I consider her an amazing role-model as well as an incredible friend.” – Qualla Parman
“Heather has added great value to the Public Relations and Marketing Management Diploma Program by not only educating her students about Public Relations fundamentals, but by encouraging us and giving us the tools to be great communicators. Her rapport building abilities allowed us to go beyond communicating – she gave us the ability to communicate effectively and to connect. Heather’s superior verbal and written communication skills were definite assets that helped to build our knowledge about Public Relations; however, I believe that her strength was in imparting integrity and honesty to her students.“ – Sarah Maranan, student
“In just a few minutes Heather invited me to a level of both creativity and deep thought that was invaluable. My brain is working on overdrive almost all of the time, so to be invited into an experience that provided me insights while NOT working so hard at it? Gift beyond compare.” – Ronna Detrick, mandala session client
“Mandala Discovery is opening my heart, my artistic senses, and even my meditative skills! I’m getting back in touch with parts of me I’d forgotten were there. Thank you, Heather, for being my guide on this journey.” – Donna Ahlstrand
“I am so grateful for the experience and wisdom from your Openhearted Writing Circle, Heather! Rich, deep, loving and safe environment from which to create. You made it safe for me to be who I was in any given moment. I found it powerful and inspiring. I thought I had lost my writing mojo, but I experienced a connection to words again. I loved everything about it: structure, pacing, substantive handouts and your personal stories about your process. It was nice to have time away from the group to write. I had time to take care of myself–eating breakfast, taking a walk…and realized that is part of my writing process!” – Joy Agcongay
“Heather has conducted a number of leadership sessions on a wide variety of topics for groups I have led. She is creative, down to earth, enthusiastic, humble and knowledgeable about the highs and lows of organizational leadership all at the same time. She conducts each session with compassion and care, seeing each individual in their own right. She has the ability to challenge people with practical methods and helpful exercises while proving flexible in the presentation of material if need be. I highly recommended Heather’s leadership experience, expertise and insights for your organization or the members of your group.” – Rob Visser, Prairie Leadership Development Network
“As a facilitator, you beautifully maintained that critical balance of encouraging and challenging us while allowing the natural process of the expression of our gifts to unfold. You are an excellent midwife!” – Jayne, Workshop participant
“Your research and presentations were so good! You’ve really started me percolating. You’ve drawn me back to the awesomeness of my God and shown me endless possibilities. Thank you so very, very much for giving us so much of yourself! I am so very grateful.” – Maureen, Creativity & Spirituality Workshop participant
“Heather is best when she is creating and helping others create. Unleashing the creative potential of others really gets her going.” – Michele Visser Wikkerink, workshop client
“As a writing instructor and coach, Heather used various methods to help bring out the writer in me. She showed examples in poetry and prose and encouraged my to find my ‘voice’. I have developed more confidence in what I write today, because I took this course.” – Segun Olude, workshop participant
“Creative Writing for Self Discovery was a lovely class. Heather created a safe, comfortable non-judgemental environment where everyone was welcome to participate. The class was fun, varied, offered opportunities for health and healing and motivated me to put pen to paper. I am very much looking forward to the next session.” – Ainsley Cunningham, workshop participant
“I really embraced the sessions with Heather. My first session was all tears. I released so many layers of pain and she was always intuned to asking me the right question. Always calm and attentive to my needs – I felt enveloped by her love and her wisdom. After my first session I felt something huge had shifted in me. She made me aware of how courageous of a woman I was and just how far I had come on my journey. I always knew I had gifts and strengths but now I was aware of them in my heart. My second session was also very empowering. She recommended I do work on mandalas. I had no idea how much I would enjoy working on the Mandala Journaling. Something in me emerged. With only a few of her coaching sessions I feel I have grown leaps and bounds. My mind was expanding, I was evolving. I told Heather how I admired her work and what a beautiful woman she was. I also thanked her for coming into my life and how I was honored to meet such a beautiful vibrant woman of depth and beauty and she replied: “I did not simply come into your life Marie, you attracted me – you attract what you are!” – Marie Lafantaisie
“I loved your workshop. It’s simplicity opened up profound depths in each person. I witnessed such inner strength and yes, courage in each woman and was truly awed, blessed and en-couraged! ”
– Michelle Landry
“Heather Plett never ceases to amaze and inspire me, and her most recent work, How to Lead with Your Paint Clothes On, took my respect for her to another level. Not only is this work insightful and articulate (as Heather’s work always is), but it also happens to be important and groundbreaking. Her exploration of feminine wisdom has informed this e-book, to be sure, as has the artist in her, and it also happens to just be good “business sense” in our changing and evolving world. Whether you lead within the context of a traditional company or are looking for new ways to lead yourself in your own endeavors, Heather’s e-book is filled to the brim with the sort of help many of us have been waiting for.” – Christine Obenreder Serfozo
“Heather, on behalf of the Board, let me express my appreciation for taking Canadian Foodgrains Bank to a new level in terms of presentation to the public and public perception. CFGB has become known across this country as the key agency that brings together Christian faith-based partners in food security issues. The materials that you and staff have produced give significant added value to CFGB and to those of us who speak for CFGB in our own constituencies. I highlight, as a recent example, and as an example from last year, the ‘Fast for Change’ resource kit which I’ve used in sermons and other addresses. The material is professional, personal and useful. Thank you for the energy you have given and the vision you’ve shown to taking the message of CFGB to the Canadian public.” – Donald Peters, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Canadian Foodgrains Bank.