Note: most of what I offer has moved over to
I guide and support people as they’re learning the practice of holding space. I help them deepen their relationships, expand their self-awareness, and recognize the systemic issues that are at play.
Here are some of the ways that I do that:
- My new book, Where Tenderness Lives: On Healing, Liberation and Holding Space for Oneself
- My book, The Art of Holding Space: A Practice of Love, Liberation, and Leadership
- also podcast/radio/tv interviews, etc. related to the book (invitations welcome) (click here to find some of the podcast interviews I’ve done in the past)
- Through my coaching/mentorship practice – either one-on-one, or in a new coaching/mentorship circle called Time to do the Brave Thing.
- Through the programs I’ve developed (and co-developed) that are now part of the Centre for Holding Space, such as:
- The Holding Space Foundation Program, and the follow-up Certification Program
- A course called A Full-Bodied Life.
- An online self-study course on How to Hold Space for your own Discomfort when there is Disruption
- Organizational consulting and licensing of Holding Space material
- Retreats and workshops I lead all over the world
- Keynote addresses at conferences or other special events (invitations welcome)
The art of holding space shows up in many ways in my work.

I have hosted retreats for spouses of active service personal with PTSD. I have co-facilitated anti-racism gatherings with settler and Indigenous people in Canada. I have delivered a keynote address for equine-assisted therapists and practitioners. I have delivered a grief and trauma workshop for youth workers and therapists in Florida who, nine months later, had to support their community through the tragedy of the Margeret Stoneman Douglas school shooting. I’ve worked with a circle of business leaders in Costa Rica. And I’ve taught workshops for facilitators, coaches, therapists, lawyers, yoga teachers, etc. in Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands.I also love to host writing retreats, since writing is one of my first loves, and I look forward to doing that again some day.
I am a storyteller. I believe that wisdom is best uncovered and understood through the art of storytelling. I share with vulnerability and clarity.
I am a conversationalist. Even when I stand on a stage, I am in conversation with those who are listening. I engage as an equal, walking the path with you and discovering together what wisdom there is for us to explore.
I look forward to connecting with you. If you’re interested in hiring me to deliver a keynote address, interviewing me for a podcast/radio/tv show, or inviting me to consult with your organization, please contact me.

Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
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