I had a positively lovely and invigorating ride in to work this morning. Here are some of the things that made it so lovely:
1. It’s 20 degrees this morning! Yay! A nice reprieve from the heatwave we’ve been having and a pure joy to bike in.
2. There were hot air balloons rising above the city. I LOVE hot air balloons!
3. The tunnel I usually go through to avoid a couple of busy streets is finally almost free of broken glass.
4. No cars cut me off this morning, nor did any transit buses elbow me into a corner.
5. I rode past a vegetable garden, green and lush with growth. The fragrance of fresh onions and dill filled the air.
6. I get to ride over 2 rivers on my way. The fork of those two rivers is where this city was built. Rivers give life and energy to a city. And being close to water calms me.
7. I like my bike. I look at the transit buses and I’m glad I’m not on them.
8. The sky was clear, bright blue. It’s been dry for nearly a week now. No rain! Yay! No puddles to navigate around or splash through. No black line up my butt from splashing, dirty water!
9. I get to ride past the Bears on Broadway – they always put a smile on my face. Thank you to whoever was responsible for this brilliant idea! A nice bright spot in our city’s downtown this summer.
10. It’s Friday.
About the only thing that wasn’t so good was that the path I usually take along the river for part of my ride is still under water. But hopefully, if this dry spell (yes, I know that 4 days without rain is too short to call a “dry spell”, but I can be hopeful, can’t I?) keeps up, it will be dry before the end of the summer. It’s a great place to ride because it’s right across from the rowing club and I get to watch early-morning rowing teams out practicing.
And now the words of Queen are running through my head… “I like to ride my bicycle…”