In case you were wondering where my witty insightful posts and comments have gone (haha), I’ve been on another business trip. Another Alberta trip – this time to interview 9 potential candidates for a position out there. First a day of interviews in Edmonton, then a short flight to Calgary, and then a day and a half of interviews in Calgary (plus a half day to catch up on Christmas shopping).
I’m a little tired, I’m happy to be home, my brain is fried from trying to think too hard and analyze too many people, my kids need my attention, I have laundry to do, and I need a day or two just to transition back into my life. I’ll be back soon 🙂
Just have to share one thought though – as I was flying over the prairies, I couldn’t help but marvel at how lucky I am. When I was growing up a poor farm girl on those prairies, I never would have dreamed I’d some day get so many chances to fly over that same landscape and beyond. Somebody pinch me! I’m a lucky girl.