In a few hours, I’ll be on another plane heading for Alberta. No, I don’t have much time to formulate any meaningful thoughts, but here are some of the things I’m looking forward to and some of the things I’m not:
Looking forward to:
– Seeing my brother, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, and dog-nephew. (Yes, AP, that last one is for your benefit.) I’ll stay with them in Calgary tonight.
– Hanging out with my sister-in-law tomorrow morning. She is one of my best friends.
– The airplane rides. I love planes and airports and just about anything associated with travel.
– Miles and miles of open road and me, alone, in a rental car. I love driving, and I’m rather fond of driving alone, with no fighting going on in the back seat and nothing to interrupt my thoughts other than the radio.
– Meeting another blogger friend. I’ll tell you more later.
– Spending time with my new employees in Alberta. They’re both beautiful people with good souls.
– Visiting my closest childhood friend Julie and her husband and sons.
– A quiet night in a hotel room.
– Meeting some of the friendly supporters and volunteers who have become friends in the past year and a half when I’ve had to travel to Alberta more than I wanted to.
Not looking forward to:
– Three nights in three separate beds.
– Weariness from an agenda that looks a little too full.
– Being away from my family.
– Spending part of a day with a pasted-on-smily-face working at a booth at a trade show.
– Missing the weekend routines at home, like Friday night supper with my extended family, lazy Saturday mornings, good conversation in church on Sunday mornings, Sunday night supper with Marcel’s extended family, and watching Amazing Race on Sunday night with my daughters.
– Not being the one to drop Maddie off at the second birthday party she’s ever been invited to.
There’s not much chance I’ll be blogging or catching up on your blogs while I’m gone. Since I’m already behind on the “catching up” side, I’ll have lots of reading to do when I get home. Talk to you then! In the meantime, like my dad used to say whenever we parted, “Be good.”