Rain and wind are ONLY fun if you’re in a warm place watching through a window, NOT if you’re sitting on the side of a soccer field.

Saying good-bye to the same person again and again gets old. Quickly.

Sending three kids back to school is FRICKIN’ expensive. New outfits, new shoes, school supplies, school fees, lunch fees – YIKES!

Signing two kids up for indoor soccer just after you’ve finished paying for their return to school can be downright painful.

Going grocery shopping after the above two expenses can be very nearly impossible.

Household renovations or decorating projects will always take at least twice as long as you originally estimated.

Wearing sandals when it’s 5 degrees (Celsius) and windy is stupid.

Even with a “resistant to change” child, the return to school gets easier as they get older.

Drinking hot chocolate while sitting at the side of the soccer field in the wind and the rain makes you feel only marginally more comfortable.

Chasing half a dozen napkins (that came along with your hot chocolate and muffins) across the soccer field when the wind picks them up can be embarrassing. Especially when you’re wearing a poncho that flips up in your face every time you try to bend down to grab a dancing napkin.

Folding your lawnchair with a cup of hot chocolate still in the cup holder is not a smart idea.

Nutella on toast makes nice comfort food at ten o’clock at night when you’ve been watching soccer in the rain, trying to scratch together a few dollars to buy groceries, saying good-bye for the umpteenth time, and you didn’t have time for supper.

So what we’ve established so far is that I am broke, stupid, clumsy, and cold. Yep, it’s a good day to be alive. Thank god for Nutella.

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