1. 4:30 this afternoon. Two days of chairing meetings – done.

2. Receiving a heartfelt compliment from someone who’s generally critical of my work.

3. Feeling the energy in the room when, more than once, someone dared to say “What if…” and then proceeded to share a “blow your mind” good idea.

4. Introducing Steve Bell at the banquet and calling him “friend”.

5. Listening to Steve tell stories of Ethiopia and sing the song.

6. Walking to the grocery store for milk in the drizzly rain after all was said and done and I could relax.

7. Eating the amazing food prepared by some of my favourite people who also happen to be the best caterers for miles around.

8. Realizing, at the end of a meeting with my team (the first of the two days of meetings), that it was the best meeting we’ve had since I started this job.

9. Watching the people I’ve hired since I started in the job and realizing I’ve hired well.

10. Being greeted at the door by two of my daughters doing a Charlie’s Angel routine.

11. Words of encouragement from someone I admire.

12. Knowing I’d handled the talkative person in the room as graciously as possible when I had to tell her to “wrap it up”.

13. Realizing I’ve developed some meaningful friendships with some people in this group of “business associates”.

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