This morning, I feel the warm glow of gratitude after a comfy and relaxed weekend. Some of the things I am grateful for:
– A fun little Facebook chat with a friend who traveled to Ethiopia with me
– Coming to work on Monday morning knowing that I actually LIKE coming to work
– Hosting a lovely, relaxed evening with some easy, comfortable friends
– Having a basement family room that finally feels complete and livable again (and actually looks good too!)
– Watching my healthy, happy girls play soccer
– Enjoying smoked salmon that was caught by a friend on the west coast
– Hosting another visitor from Africa in our home
– Getting the chance to meet another incredible, strong and wise African woman (who made history by becoming the first woman to run her organization, in the first African country to elect a woman president)
– Watching my daughter’s eyes light up as she runs to get her book to show our African guest the piece she just read about Liberia’s (and Africa’s) first woman president
– Going grocery shopping and not having to worry whether I can afford to pay for it
– Going to the gym on Monday morning after a week away (traveling) and realizing that I am not a failure – I didn’t let myself sleep in, even though it would have been easy to
– Listening to Maddie giggle as she gets teased by her uncle
– Munching on Cadbury mini eggs with my kids
– Recognizing the honour it has been to stand on the shoulders of people who have mentored me