Today feels so much more hopeful than the last few weeks have felt. Partly it’s due to a huge release in pressure since the board meetings are over and I no longer need to stress out about the big proposal I was presenting.

With the return of hope, I thought a gratitude list was in order. Here’s what I’m feeling grateful for this morning:
– the delicious burritos my daughter cooked for supper last night
– my husband has been picking up the slack a lot around the home front while I’ve been busy having meltdowns and disappearing when I needed to for visits to the labyrinth and the grave
– the fun and crazy orange and green room Julie and I created – just in time for her 12th birthday (eventually I’ll get some pictures posted)
– the free carpet I just got for my new creative sanctuary in the basement
– the lovely voice mail from the lovely Michele, “just so that there was a pleasant voice on my answering machine not asking for ANYTHING”
– the equally lovely emails from Linda and Cynthia for essentially the same reason
– all of the friendly, supportive comments on this blog – you really lifted me up when I was feeling pretty low
– the fact that our board of directors put enough trust in me to approve my full proposal (even though they had to drag it through the mud a bit before they could approve it). (But… can I just say… YIKES! I have a lot of work to do!)
– some really kind and supportive things said to me by several board members (some of whom felt really badly for the “dragging through the mud” I had to live through)
– I get to hire 2 new staff to take some of my workload (and launch lots of new and exciting ideas)
– I have some renewed energy and a few new creative ideas for my day job and don’t feel quite as desperate to leave it as I did a few weeks ago
– a fun day on Monday when I got to take a Zimbabwean visitor out to a field to ride a tractor and play farmer for awhile (by the way, according to him, things are looking up in Zimbabwe!)
– the wonderful email exchanges I’m having with my soulsister-whom-I’ve-never-met Vicki (not much point in linking to her blog since she NEVER UPDATES IT! hint, hint.)
– a great book
– speaking of books, I sold a photo (from my Flickr set) for $50 and get to buy some new books, guilt-free! Can’t wait ’til they arrive in the mail! (Some of them are recommendations from you, my lovely blog readers. Thanks!)
– great biking weather the last few days
– it’s Friday! It’s the weekend!

What are you grateful for today?

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