It all started with an ugly little storage room tucked behind the stairs. Like the ugly duckling though, that little room was destined to transform into a swan. All it took was some hand-me-down carpet, some “leftover from the seventies” fake wood paneling, a little cheap unbleached cotton, an old particle-board desk (from the first year of our marriage), a nearly-broken chair, and some magical shimmery gauzy fabric.

It might not seem like much, but it’s a dream come true! I finally have a space of my own where I can create, write, paint, sew, meditate, dream, read, pray, do yoga, and just stare at the ceiling when I feel like it. Want to come for a tour?

Let’s start right where I’m sitting right now. It’s the “writing/painting/thinking” corner.
The writing/creating space

Right beside that is the art supply and yoga mat corner.

Above the desk is the “surround myself with creative inspiration from other writers” corner. On the shelf above the books is the Kenyan leadership stick that reminds me to be a bold and courageous leader.
A few of my inspiring books and knick-knacks

Opposite that is the “dreaming of new possibilities and creating new art” wall.
Imagining new and exciting ideas

Above all of that is the best part – the magical, dreamy ceiling! (Yes, I’m sure I’ll manage to kill a little time just lying on the floor staring at it.)
The ceiling of my creative sanctuary

One of the things I’m really excited about is that I’ve also been able to bring in some mementos that remind me of the people who have supported me and helped shape me in this creative journey.

There’s the director’s chair that my beloved, supportive husband had made for me (back before he was my husband) when I was busy producing one of my first plays at the Fringe Festival. He believed in me then and he still believes in me now.
The director's chair from my husband (from before he was my husband)

And there are the two cameras owned by my parents back when they were young and hopeful and looking forward to many long years together. Neither of them would have called themselves artists, and yet they managed to raise four creative children (count them – one, two, three, and four) by teaching us to see beauty in dandelions, frogs, freshly baked bread, sheep, and friendships.
My mom and dad's original cameras

And there’s some space set aside for the artwork of my children, who remind me to find joy in dancing in the rain and swimming with your clothes on.
Maddy's artful contribution

What’s missing? Well YOU are, of course! After adding all of those pieces that inspire me, it occurred to me that I’m missing an important section of people who’ve inspired, encouraged, and cheered me on. Yes, I’m talking about YOU!

Here’s the thing… I’ve saved a space for you…
Waiting for more art

I’ve got a bunch of cool swirly clips on a string and I would LOVE to fill that wall with the artwork and little blessings of all of the friends (in person and online) and family who’ve supported me in this journey. What do you think? Are you in? Would you like to send me a little blessing of some sort? It doesn’t need to be much – just a postcard or a card, if that’s all you can muster (but I would LOVE some original, creative things meant just for this little space).

If you’re in (and EVERYONE is welcome – even the lurkers who don’t admit to reading, even the people who’ve just stumbled on this blog for the first time), let me know in the comments or drop me an email at heatherpl at mts dot net and I’ll let you know how you can get it to me. (If you’d rather just send me something electronic that I can print out, that’s fine too.) Whatever you create should be approximately 4″ x 6″ and not too heavy to hang on a string.

What’s in it for you? Well, the joy of knowing you’ve made me happy, of course! But there’s more – I’ll send you a little something in exchange (that you can hang in your space, or even your bathroom if you prefer). AND I’ll give you a chance to be a contributor when I open my new site at

Last night, after settling in, I couldn’t resist going for a walk to the river just to stare at the full moon. The moonlight reflected on the water, the flickering fireflies in the tall grass, the jumping fish – it all seemed like a special magical blessing from the great creator for all of the things I dream of creating in this lovely space. I hope that you will consider adding your own blessings too!

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