In some respects it’s been an amazing summer (creating my studio, launching my website, going on a road trip with my family), but in other ways it’s been sadly disappointing (not enough beach days, way too much crappy weather). Either way, it is slipping away WAY too quickly.

There are still a few things I want to get out of this summer:
1. Visit my dad’s grave again. (It’s a 2 hour drive – not exactly something I can do on a whim.)
2. Sit around a campfire with people I enjoy at least one more time.
3. Go on a few more bike rides with my family.
4. Have more drinks on a patio with some interesting friends who make me laugh.
5. Wandering. Lots more wandering. Preferably with a camera in my hands.

That’s about it. I think it’s a pretty good sign that I’m feeling quite content if my list is that short. Now if only it would stop raining so I could do all of these things!

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