Once upon a time there was a book.
It was a very special book, with a pretty pink cover,
and lots of pretty pages where people could write things, glue things, or paint things.
This book had only one pupose in life –
to remind people of all of the reasons they had to be happy.
Because of that, they called her
The Happy Book.
(All here friends called her HB for short.)
HB was a globe trotter.
She loved to fly from city to city,
meeting people everywhere she went and reminding them
of all the happy stories they had in their memory banks.
HB didn’t mind if people were sad once in awhile – she knew that sadness was an important part of life –
but HB wanted people to remember that happiness was always there, under the surface, waiting to be found again.
One day, HB arrived in a Canadian city named Winnipeg.
HB was very excited about her next adventure.
She was going on a CANOE TRIP with a new group of friends!
Packed safely in a dry-bag (HB didn’t want to get wet and soggy if she got dropped in a lake),
she traveled by van, by canoe, and by foot
to a beautiful place on Lake Manoman where her new friends set up camp
and let her sleep in a tent for the first time in her life!
HB loved traveling with her new friends because they did a lot of laughing – even when it rained!
She was especially fond of the evenings when the seven women would sit around a campfire
and she would hear all about the stories of their lives.
She heard about their children, their husbands, their jobs, and about all of the things
that filled these women’s lives with both happiness and sadness.
It was all very good, especially when HB got passed around the circle
and got to meet these special women one-on-one.
The whole weekend was exciting for HB…
but there was one moment when HB was happiest of all.
HB was carried to the beach and… while she sat quietly on the rock…
the women, who were giggling and a little self-conscious,
took off their clothes and went
What made HB especially happy at this moment was that
these women decided that they weren’t going to care if they were fat, skinny, lopsided, hairy, jiggling with cellulite, or sporting big boobs or small (or even surgically altered) –
at this moment – far away from any eyes other than those of these lovely women whom they trusted –
they were all FREE and comfortable in their bodies
and HAPPY!
(HB even heard one of them say she felt like she was safe and fresh in a womb.)
Soon after that, HB, carrying a picture of that moment with her, set off on her next adventure.
*Note: This is my contribution to the Happy Book Mailaround.