Even though it may feel more comfortable and easy to stay where you are.
Give your heart to this world,
Even though you risk having it returned to you broken.
Challenge people, inspire them, and lead them to transformation,
Even though sometimes you will fail and they will give up.
Lean deeply into Sophia’s chest and trust the wisdom that comes,
Even though resistance and doubt will try to trip you up.
Spread compassion to the broken-hearted,
Even though you alone can’t heal them and often they will remain broken.
Love lavishly and deeply,
Even though you won’t always be loved in return.
Run and dance down the path that is yours and yours alone,
Even though you’ll trip sometimes and get lost in the underbrush.
Speak loudly and clearly from the voice the Spirit breathes in you,
Even though listeners may feel uncomfortable with your truth and fear will try to silence you.
Be a joy-seeker, traveling to the ends of the earth to find it,
Even though tears will always insist on joining you on the journey.
Lose yourself occasionally in laughter and whimsy,
Even though you won’t always be taken seriously.
Be a witness for the world, pointing people toward truth & beauty,
Even though you may be taken for a fool.
See the world deeply and clearly, and be always mindful of what you see,
Even though sometimes what you see will cut you to the core.
Trust people and seek the best in them,
Even though sometimes they will fail and disappoint you.
Seek truth, seek justice, seek beauty, and seek love,
Even though some days all you will find is ugliness and hate.
Go now, boldly, and be a Sophia Leader.
The world is waiting.