It’s official – the new site is up and running! I am SO excited!
Please, please go on over and visit (and bookmark it for future visits!) and be sure to leave a friendly comment. This site is like a new baby for me, and you KNOW that if you’d visit me after having a baby you’d pat it on the head and say what a pretty baby it is whether or not you meant it. (There’s an art giveaway, so if you comment, you could win!)
Remember that insecure mom-energy that comes when you’re really excited but freaked out about having to bring home a brand new baby and you really don’t know if you’ll remember to feed it at the right time, or know when to change its diaper, and you’re pretty sure you’ll end up dropping it on its head one day? Yeah, that’s a bit how I feel today.
I’m thrilled and I really feel like this is what I’ve been preparing for all these years, but at the same time I worry whether I’ll have the time or skills to really do this dream justice. In the end, though, I’m willing to give it my best shot, and the rest is up to the giver of all good dreams.
Remember my commitment to fearlessness? Well, I feel like I’ve just jumped out of that plane again!