Yup, it’s my birthday. I turn 39 today. I am now entering the last year of my thirties (that sounded like it should have been accompanied by Twilight Zone music!).
To celebrate, I hopped on my bike and rode like the wind (okay, so it was only a light breeze) all the way to work. What an invigorating way to start the first day of the last year of your third decade on earth. (yikes! now we should be moving into the Rocky soundtrack!) Thirty seconds into the ride, I was almost killed by some idiot in a car who thought he could cut me off because it was just a bike, but that didn’t deter my enjoyment of the ride. I made better time than I normally do on the bus!
It’s a beautiful day today, the sun is shining, there was no wind on my face, it’s the Friday before a long weekend, I have a new bike that rides like a dream, we picked up our shiny red car yesterday, I issued a big press release yesterday and this morning the media is responding (that’s always fun – watch for us on The National tonight :-), two of my favourite people are joining us for a birthday barbecue tonight, I got a good night’s sleep, Marcel cleaned the house yesterday (or at least got a decent start)… life is good! (is there a “Pollyanna” soundtrack?)
Oh, and there is NOTHING better than having your kids phone you at work in the morning to sing happy birthday, each in their own unique way. Julie’s was heartfelt and sincere, Nikki’s was a unique rendition that included something about stepping in horse poo, and Maddie’s was mostly a repetition of the first line, throwing in the word “Mommy” at some point for variation.