19 years of marriage

4 babies born

3 thriving daughters

1 stillborn son

1 miscarriage

3 homes

2 mortgages

5 major career changes

4 reductions in income

5 vehicles

2 university degrees

60 business trips

5 surgeries

100 soccer games

11 school Christmas concerts

7000 meals shared

2 fathers buried

2 grandmothers buried

3 cancer scares for close family

25 trips to emergency

2 summers spent in a trailer by the lake

20 tent-camping trips

1 near fatality in a tent fire

2 suicide attempts

10,000 tears

500 arguments

10 marriage counseling sessions

5000 apologies

5000 forgivenesses

100 reasons why this marriage should end

101 reasons why we should keep trying

2 broken people who said “for better or for worse”

1 imperfectly beautiful marriage

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