We arrived at the Delta Hotel in Toronto last night. The flight was uneventful. Micheline talked alot on the way here. She’s really sweet and she’s been through some really hard crap in her life. But through it all, she seems to have this child-like faith that’s really solid. In a way, I envy her the ability to trust like that. I think she’d get along great with Mom. They have the same way of believing.

We had supper together in the hotel restaurant, and then I came to my room and climbed into bed – hoping to get to sleep early. Unfortunately, I turned on the TV and got hooked on the Amazing Race. It was the finale, so I ended up watching until 11:00. I didn’t sleep well after that. I woke up several times and kept having really off-the-wall dreams. Russ and Sylvie were in one of my dreams. I think Sylvie had an affair.

This morning we start our orientation session. I hope the group is interesting and easy to get along with. I hope there aren’t any prima donnas who want too much attention. I hope there aren’t any whiners. I hope there aren’t too many “Praise the Lord” people. I hope there are some opportunities for new friendships.

God, if you’re out there, give me a spirit of openness today. Give me grace and compassion and help me see through the personality traits that get on my nerves to the heart that you love. Bless the group and help us build community.

Maybe if I keep praying, I’ll want to believe in him again.

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