1. airplanes
2. blogging
3. pumpkins
4. Nikki, Julie, Matthew, Maddie
5. Marcel
6. my siblings
7. the fact that my siblings were smart enough to marry three of the best people in the world
8. my nieces and nephews
9. my Mom
10. three more bags of clutter ready to leave my house
11. my friends
12. my job
13. GNF
14. the dishwasher
15. the comforter my mom made from the wool of my dad’s sheep
16. the memory of my Dad
17. books
18. tea
19. raw sugar from Tanzania (I wanna go back for some MORE!)
20. my children’s friends
21. my bicycle
22. crunchy leaves
23. my sister
24. the baby growing in her tummy
25. my boss (he’s not perfect, but he shows humility and respect)
26. city transit
27. libraries
28. feet
29. orthotics for my feet
30. my wedding and engagement rings (still like them after all these years)
31. my oldest friend Julie in Alberta
32. the memory of the way my dad used to sing “His eye is on the sparrow”
33. my almost-new bathroom
34. sleep (I only wish I’d had more of it last night)
35. hot baths (even when Maddie and Julie join me)
36. that today’s task never has to be replicated
37. potlucks
38. big soft towels
39. cheese
40. hand lotion
41. the Wikkerink sisters – all three of them
42. seasons
43. Thanksgiving
44. bonfires
45. cameras
46. kettle chips (stole that one from Linda, but I couldn’t resist)
47. music
48. a concert to look forward to
49. Folk Festival
50. camping
51. that I won’t have to deal with a certain challenging person after today
52. home
53. trips with my family
54. an almost-clean house
55. trees
56. Thai food
57. a husband who cleans the freezer
58. my African jewellery
59. a grocery store within walking distance
60. that I don’t have to live in a cookie-cutter house in a cookie-cutter neighbourhood
61. second-hand clothes
62. jeans that fit
63. cards from friends
64. grapes
65. God
66. no more diapers (well, except maybe Peanut, and he/she goes home at the end of the day)
67. that I’m not as bad as the eleven e-mails (from one person) I got this morning say I am
68. conversations with interesting people
69. Marcel’s favourite number (oops! TMI!)
70. that I can enjoy other people’s gardens
71. art
72. bridges
73. deer
74. warm clothes
75. Nikki’s questions
76. Julie’s love for baking
77. Maddie’s stories
78. going for Slurpees with the girls (don’t tell them I like them – I have to act like it’s THEIR idea and a rare treat!)
79. honesty
80. supportive friends
81. toast with peanut butter and honey
82. my new cookbook
83. Marcel’s family
84. lie-with-me night
85. containers
86. my orange purse
87. my orange backpack
88. yeah, I like the colour orange, but not EVERYTHING I own is orange. I’m also rather fond of turquoise and purple
89. that I don’t have to carry a diaper bag anymore
90. the growing independence of my children
91. that Maddie doesn’t wake up EVERY night anymore and that the 3 times last night were exceptions to the rule
92. chai latte
93. the mentors I’ve had in my life. Gisele, for one.
94. windows
95. friends who invite me for great meals
96. community
97. growing up in the country
98. learning
99. sunshine
100. giggling with my daughters