Next time you go on a trip, REMEMBER to read over your itinerary carefully ahead of time. Don’t just check the time of your flight. Check the date. Make sure that, if you THINK you’re booked on a flight on Monday morning, you don’t show up at the airport early only to be told you’re REALLY booked on a flight for Sunday, the day before. ‘Cause if this happens to you, you’ll be really, really bummed. Especially if it’s 7:30 in the morning, you can’t reach anyone in your office or the travel agency, or the people who are supposed to pick you up in a few hours.

And if it happens to you, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

And that’s all I’ll say for now. I ended up in Alberta, all-be-it at a different city than I’d planned, but I’m here, some appointments could be arranged (yes, I made it onto the evening news in Red Deer), and now all I can do about it is laugh.

Tomorrow I fly to Abbotsford. Yes, I checked the date. I am DEFINITELY booked on a flight to Abbotsford tomorrow.

Sweet dreams.

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