That’s right, I’m in Cahoots. Remember when I fussed and fumed about the fact that there are very few good magazines out there and I thought I’d have to start my own to satisfy my high standards? And remember when I said that two smart women in Saskatchewan read my mind and started the magazine of my dreams? (Whew! It seemed like a lot of work to start my own, so I’m glad they beat me to it.)
Well, that magazine is Cahoots, and shortly after I fell in love with it, I sent them an article (many of you already read it when it appeared here – it’s about preparing to turn 40). Those two smart women were kind enough to publish it in the latest edition. (If you’re reading this, Carla and Michele, thanks!)
Here’s a picture of it. Trust me, you really should whip out your credit card, go here, and subscribe to this magazine. No, they didn’t pay me to say so, it’s just SO GOOD! Women of blogland (and other friends), this is the kind of magazine that NEEDS to thrive. This is the kind of magazine that should appear on every magazine stand, bravely telling the world that smart women are looking for a little more than glossy fashion magazines, celebrity rags, and homemaking tips. Take my word for it – you’ll be glad you did. (And I’m not just saying that because they had the good sense to publish my article – there are lots of other things in there that outshine my meagre offerings.) For starters, isn’t it refreshing that the cover page features artwork instead of airbrushed models?
(For my local readers, you can get it at McNally Robinson. Other than that, I’m not sure where it’s available.)
In other news, I’ll also have a piece appearing in Beyond Ordinary Living, another new magazine that shows alot of potential. I’ll let you know when it shows up on a magazine rack near you. And I have a contract for a couple of other short pieces for another magazine that, at this point, shall remain nameless.
It’s happening, folks – I’m putting my stuff out there in the universe and lately, the universe has been responding favourably. I can say much more bravely now – I AM a freelance writer.