Reading the comments on my last post reminded me that I WORE RED at the big press conference last week. What was I thinking?! Ha! Kinda funny actually!If you haven’t worked in communications for the federal government, you probably don’t know what a faux pas that is. You see – all the politicians at that gathering were Conservatives. BLUE conservatives. See the t-shirt Minister T. is wearing in the photo below? Yeah, it’s blue. That wasn’t just a casual half-asleep choice when he rolled out of bed in the morning. He would NEVER have worn red to an event. I’m sure the moment he got elected, he burned all of his red clothing, if he had any in the first place. It’s the colour of the enemy. The Liberals.
I was, in essence, branding myself as “the enemy”. Unwittingly. Perhaps THAT is why they are gazing at me so intently in that photo. It wasn’t that they were hanging on my every word (though I do like to fantasize that perhaps it’s because I’m such an irresistible conversationalist).
My communications mentor (back in my early days in the federal government) would be so disappointed in me. She reminded me every time we did an event that the colour of your clothes MATTER. How could I have forgotten? Not only did I have a rooster tail and a zit, but I was also wearing the wrong colour!
Thankfully, I DON’T work for the government anymore and I can wear whatever colour of clothes I WANT. Even IF I’m standing at a podium introducing politicians. So THERE! (This is where I stick out my tongue like a three year old and chant “nyah nyah nyah”.)
Oh well – at least my husband will be proud! Perhaps he was sending me subliminal messages when I was getting dressed that morning.