One of them has long flowing hair that she brushes a dozen times a day.
The other one got a buzz cut at the beginning of the summer because she doesn’t want to be bothered to comb it.
One of them bought hot pink gladiator sandals for the first day of school and dreams of the day when she can have a closet full of stiletto pumps.
The other one bought funky orange plaid runners that she’ll probably forget to tie most of the time. She dreams of being able to afford multi-colour DCs.
One of them doesn’t do much reading, unless she gets ahold of a People magazine or an interesting biography.
The other one devours fantasy novels faster than we can bring them into the house.
One of them hoarded her travel money until the last day of the trip when she could finally visit her favourite clothing store and buy two pairs of skinny jeans – one purple and one white.
The other one bought candy and ice cream whenever she had the opportunity, and saved only a bit for a couple of pairs of baggy shorts.
One of them wants to be a model or fashion designer when she grows up.
The other one wants to be a veterinarian.
One of them prefers things that are safe and familiar.
The other one lives for adventure and dreams of jumping out of a plane and getting a tattoo.
One of them has a favourite shirt that says “Party like a rock star”
The other one has a favourite shirt that says “Peace. No war. Save the earth.”
I delight in them both. I am their mother.