Maddy loves to paint. Once, when she was painting, I said “maybe you’ll be an artist when you grow up”. She looked at me in that long-suffering way and said “of COURSE I’ll be an artist when I grow up. I already am!” If you ask her what kind of art she prefers, she says “modern art.”
She’s having a hard time resisting the urge to take over my studio. It almost kills her when I insist on having a little mommy time alone in here. I manage to appease her now and then by letting her come in and create with me.
When she saw all the lovely art I was receiving from other people, her creative juices got going and she said “Mommy, we should paint something together and then give it away to someone on your blog.” So that’s what we’ve done. Here’s Maddy telling you all about it…
And here’s a photo Maddie took of the painting…If you’d like it, just say so in the comments, and we’ll pick a lucky winner.
(I think we have a budding blogger on our hands. She’ll outpace me in no time.)