Andrea Schroeder, a creative artist and blogger who happens to live in the same city I do (though I haven’t met her yet) was the first to answer my call for guest bloggers.  Andrea runs some interesting creativity workshops right here in Winnipeg, and one of these days, I’m going to sign up for one of them!

i relax into my heart, i relax into my self and i open up.

i open wide.

wider than that. i open up and i dive in to the delicious creative energy that surrounds me in every moment.

i am a creative being.

i am positively bursting with creative ideas. i know that every single act of creative expression, no matter how big or how small, is important and valuable and needed in this world. i know that my creative ideas and expressions are important and valuable and needed in this world.

so i take my beautiful creative ideas and i let them out, i share them with the world, i allow them to touch the hearts of other creative beings and inspire them to share their creative ideas more fully. we inspire each other, we nurture each other, and we all grow creatively together.

we are all creative beings.

together we create a world of creative freedom, of inspiration and delight. a world where each one of us is supported in creating lives that nurture and support our unique creative expression. a world where each person’s unique creative expression is valued and honoured as a gift.

we create this world as we dive into the delicious creative energy together.

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