I marvel, sometimes, at the amazing connections I’ve made online with creative, talented and compassionate people. I have developed real friendships with people I may never meet in real life, as well as some that I’ve had the privilege of meeting – and some that I am determined to meet.
There must be something in the air, because several of my online friends have recently launched some exciting, creative ventures, and I am SO inspired! What’s beautiful about all of them is that they’re not afraid to admit that they fumble sometimes, but that doesn’t keep them from taking bold steps toward their dreams.
In celebration of the success and creativity of friends, here are a few of the fun things going on…
I was drawn to Christine at BlissChick because of her deep spirituality and her honesty about her own personal journey (and the fumbling she does along the way). This year, she’s chosen “embody” as her word for the year, and she’s been writing some amazing posts about the spirituality of the body. She’s recently re-discovered her love of dance, and she’s got some exciting things going on, including teaching some upcoming YogaDance workshops. I wish she lived closer, because I’d love to join! I can’t get to her classes (though I did have the privilege of learning from her wisdom at the Creative Dig workshop in September in Cleveland), but I AM joining her in 40 Days of Delight: A New Approach to Lent
I can’t remember when I first came across Vicki Madden’s original blog, but I’m pretty sure I burst out laughing at something she said right from the start. And then I probably got lost in her photos. She’s got such a fun sense of humour that I just KNOW that when we finally meet (it almost happened once and I know it will eventually) we’ll have a blast. Vicki has recently started a brand new photography business and I’m SO EXCITED for her! Check out some of the amazing lifestyle photography on her site.
My friendship with Stephani Tombari didn’t start online, but now that we are no longer work colleagues, we won’t get as much of a chance to hang out in person, so it may have to shift to more virtual spaces (since we don’t live in the same city). Stephanie recently completed her Masters degree in international communication, and then she took the bold move to quit her job and jump into freelance writing and consulting. She hasn’t quite gotten used to regular blogging, but she’s an amazing writer and I think she’ll eventually realize how much fun it is. Her blog post about “not dying in China” is worth visiting her new site for.
Over at Dirty Footprints Studio, my friend Connie has been rockin’ the internet with her approach to Creative Juicy Living. Connie is an art teacher and I would love nothing more than for my daughters to get a chance to hang out in her classroom. I got to share in some of Connie’s creative energy at a much-too-short Creative Dig workshop in Cleveland in the Fall, and she’s one of the reasons art journaling has become an important part of my life. Luckily for me (and you), she’s sharing her creative energy and ideas with us through a brand new venture called Art Journal Love Letters.
Another person I keep hoping I’ll meet some day is Darrah Parker. She exudes warmth and positive energy and is so encouraging I think I’d like to share a chai latte with her once a week just to give myself a boost. Not only did Darrah get married this past year, but she also quit her job to launch her big dream of becoming a photographer. She’s working on a new site, but for now there’s lots to enjoy at her blog.
There you are – just a few of the amazing people I’ve connected with online. (If you’re not on the list, it doesn’t mean you’re not amazing – these are just some of the ones with new ventures right now.) Go on over, visit, and be inspired!