I’m excited to introduce you to my second guest on the “Let go of the Ground” series.
Almost as soon as we met on Twitter (about a year ago), Desiree Adaway and I started joking that we must be “sisters from another mother”. We have a lot in common, and at the time we met, we were on very similar journeys. We were both leaving leadership positions in non-profit to launch our own businesses. Desiree now serves as a consultant, working with organizations and individuals who want to be change-makers. Her work inspires me and reminds me that there are good people in the world working for positive change.
Once again, I’m only sharing a portion of our conversation. In this piece, Desiree shares a personal story of when she – at the tender age of 16 – learned her first big lesson in letting go of the ground.
If you want to see the rest of the interview and the wisdom lessons Desiree has learned on her journey (and you’ll just have to trust me on this – it’s AMAZING – at one point, when she was wiping tears from her eyes, she accused me of being Barbara Walters), you’ll have to wait for my final offering on this. I’ve decided I’m going to offer something that I’m calling an “e-course” (for brevity), but is more like an “e-basket full of goodies for your transformation journey”. Check out what I’m working on so far! (To be honest, I feel like I’m letting go of the ground with this whole venture, because it is emerging so beautifully and seemingly out of my control that I just have to trust the process.) To stay informed as this progresses, add your email to my list (in that box on the right side of the screen).
And now, without further adieu, here’s Desiree…