I was going to do something serious and soul-searching in honour of my 45th birthday, but then I got hit with a whack of heavy-duty life circumstances in the last couple of months, and so I said “ENOUGH with the serious and soul-searching, we need a little FUN instead!”
So today I’m focusing on FUN and I am celebrating what makes me ME!
As I’ve mentioned in recent posts, one of the things that makes me who I am is that I am a HAPPY WANDERER. I love to wander. I’ve been doing it for as long as I’ve been able to walk and (like I mentioned in my last post) even completed a 22 mile walkathon when I was six years old. I wander all over my neighbourhood. (I just discovered a magical rugged greenbelt less than a mile from my home!) I wander to interesting places like Ethiopia, Kenya, India, Bangladesh, and all over Europe. (My favourite purchase in my 20s was an international hosteling card.) I wander whenever I go on business trips. (I could tell you the BEST bed and breakfast to stay at in Toronto or Dallas!) I wander every chance I get!
Wandering is so deeply embedded in my DNA that I just signed up to walk 100 km. in the Kidney March, and lately I’ve been dreaming of walking the 800 km. pilgrimage known as the Camino de Santiago.
I used to think that my restless spirit was because I was somehow flawed and couldn’t settle down like “normal” people, but now I know that it is part of my beauty and giftedness. Wandering gives me depth and beauty and a whole lot of stories to share.
In celebration of my inner wanderer (and yours!), I have created a very fun product called A Path for Happy Wanderers.
What is it? Well, it’s an e-course for other people who are wanderers just like me. I suspect that many of you would define yourself that way to, so I expect that it will be PERFECT for you!
When you sign up, you’ll get 12 wandering lessons (once a week) by email that are packed full of fun and inspiring content that will help you embrace your inner wanderer, learn more about wandering as a spiritual path, get tips on photography, art-making and freelance businesses related to wandering, be inspired by stories and photos, and more.
The best part is that I’ve interviewed 12 other happy wanderers (all of whom have incorporated wandering into their careers, businesses, spiritual quests, etc.) and they’ve all shared stories and tips about wandering. You’ll get one interview with each lesson. Here are the amazing people who are participating.
You can find out more about the course and these amazing contributors here.
The cost for all this goodness is only $25, but if you sign up today, because it’s my birthday, I’m going to give it to you for just $20. AND for today $2 from every purchase is going to be donated to the Kidney Foundation in support of my BIG WANDER in September.
Come on and wander with me, won’t you? You’ll be in great company!