A few days ago, I blogged about my response to Osama bin Laden’s death, asking myself (and you) whether there might be a better way of responding to the horror of 9/11 than spending the last 10 years seeking vengeance. I’m happy to say there IS a better way, and it is this:
Invest in love instead.
Invest in and encourage courageous women (and men) who are committed to seeking peace. Invest in people who live out the call to love. (That includes yourself – invest in yourself so that you can live out the call to love.) Invest in people committed to shifting the paradigms in the world, challenging the status quo that calls for aggression and over-consumption, and stepping into the power of their feminine wisdom. Invest in people who demonstrate Sophia leadership.
Invest in people like Suraya, the founder and director of a women’s organisation that runs women’s shelters to protect and support women fleeing violent homes or forced marriages in Afghanistan.
Visit Marianne Elliot’s blog post to read more about Suraya (she knows her personally). And then go to “To Mama With Love” to make a donation that supports her work directly (and honour your mother for Mothers’ Day while you’re at it.)
Until enough people stand up and challenge the status quo, we will continue to live in a world where aggression, over-consumption, and protectionism are the status quo. Let’s stand up and say we want a change. Let’s stand up and say that we want women like Suraya to represent the new paradigm.