As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.

Here’s some of my earlier writing… 

What if there is no moral to this story?

I was at a social justice conference once when a well known storyteller got up to speak. I settled comfortably into my chair, preparing to be inspired. He told a great (and very short) story, and then sat down. I thought he was just taking a break - maybe a musical...

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Artist-Healer – a new name I call myself

I work under a lot of different titles. Teacher. Writer. Facilitator. Consultant. Conversation Host. Advisor. Coach. Mentor. Creative Midwife. I have a new title to add to the list. Artist-Healer. Gulp. That's not a name I ever thought I'd call myself. Both "artist"...

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Life is like a labyrinth

It's no secret that I like labyrinths. I visit them often and am very happy that the beautiful Carol Shields labyrinth (in the photo above) is just across the river from where I live. It was at the centre of that labyrinth that I stood with my candle in a small circle...

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Letting go of the lies that Ego tells you

Your ego is a fickle dance partner. Some days she wants to spin you around the floor, and show you off to all the world. Other days, she turns her nose up at you and points out how far you fall short of the popular girls in the room. One day, you're on top of the...

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Privileged to teach

Last week was full of teaching. LOTS of teaching. In four different subject areas. I taught six hours of writing for public relations, six hours of effective facilitation, six hours of tools for social media visibility, and two and a half hours of creative discovery....

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Shawnigan Lake, B.C.

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