As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.
Here’s some of my earlier writing…
Protected and Nurtured: on winter parkas and float spas (and the metaphor in between)
My friend Saleha laughs at me and shakes her head in puzzlement when I bundle up in -30° C weather and go for my daily walks. “It’s not weather that’s fit for humans,” she says, and she’s mostly right. This is the kind of weather that could kill me if I weren’t...
One Foot in Front of the Other: emotional regulation in a complicated world
photo credit: Elijah Hail, Unsplash Sometimes emotions get so mixed up and confused, don’t they? And when they get that way, and we get overwhelmed by them, we lose sight of the ways in which they take control of our behaviour and choices. Saturday was my last day...
Becoming high maintenance (or not)
photo credit: Gary Bendig, Unsplash Tenderness and fierceness. They seem to be opposites, and yet, surprisingly, they often go hand-in-hand. I first learned that lesson years ago, growing up on the farm, whenever a new mom – a cow, pig, sheep, chicken or goose – would...
Liminal Space and Liberation: On finding new wisdom in old stories
(Note: There is a free resource at the bottom of this post.) “Not only did she survive, but she kept rewriting her stories until she found enough space in them for all of the wounded to be held.” I’ve embarked on a new project recently. I’m writing a collection of...
Don’t stand in the way of beauty
I was standing on the shore as the sun set. The lake was a large blanket and the waves lapping at my feet were so small and thin they looked like someone was pulling a string under that blanket. To my right, the hombre sky faded from blue to pink. To my left, where...
On loving and letting go: the dance of attachment and non-attachment
They are all growing up and moving away from home. I've already written about my daughters leaving, but there's more - it’s become a larger theme in this moment of my life. My book is growing up and moving away too. Last Tuesday, we launched the Dutch version of the...
On being more human(e)
(photo credit: Danielle MacInnes, Unsplash) I love slow mornings. Though I usually wake fairly early (on my own body-clock, not with an alarm), I take my time getting out of bed, sometimes reaching for my journal or a book first. Once I’m finally out from under the...
Sending a blessing from where I sit in the sunlight
I want to write something for you today, dear readers. I want it to be wise or gentle or provocative or joyful or challenging or peaceful. Or maybe it can be all of that at once – whatever you need it to be. I want it to stir something in you, to touch a tender part...
What do we do with human frailty, especially when it shows up in “the competent ones”?
I was once sharing a room at a retreat with a high-functioning businesswoman who was holding a lot on her shoulders. Each evening, after our sessions ended, I’d hear her on the phone talking with her husband about their clients and business operations. Though she was...
I have decided that I’m returning to love
a gift from my friend Susan, from Stoneware Gallery I have decided that I am returning to love. No, it’s not that I ever abandoned love entirely. I didn’t become an angry ogre living in a cabin in the woods and scaring away small children. But… after a period of...

Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
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