Throughout this federal election, I have been watching to see whether any of the people hoping to get elected to represent Canadians in Ottawa would exhibit the qualities of Sophia Leadership. I had almost given up the search (oh, politics is such an ugly game, isn’t it?), until I watched the acceptance speech of the first Green Party representative ever elected to Parliament, Elizabeth May.

When I watched her speech, I thought “Now THERE’S a woman who deserves a Sophia Leadership Award!” And so a new award was born out of that thought. Because I think that, along with encouraging more people to unleash the power of feminine wisdom in their leadership and their life, it is my responsibility to celebrate it when I see it in practice.

With that in mind, I honour and acknowledge the work of Elizabeth May.

Elizabeth, I hereby present you with the Sophia Leadership award:

– for your courage to restore civility and respect to the House of Commons

– for your determination to end heckling in Question Period

– for your deep and unwavering commitment to the environment

– for modelling integrity and authenticity in a political arena where those things are not often valued

– for speaking truth to power

– for refusing to embrace the politics of spin

– for giving us all hope that a new leadership paradigm is possible

– and for demonstrating that women can be strong and fierce without compromising those things that make them feminine.

THANK YOU ELIZABETH MAY! You have given me hope.

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