My lack-of-vision board

Every few months, I like to make a vision board. It’s my feminine, right-brained version of strategic planning. Instead of filling a page with boxes and goals and strategies, I fill it with images and words plucked from magazines that I feel drawn to and that my intuition tells me have something to do with the direction my heart is heading.

I haven’t made a vision board in a long time. One day in August, I sat with my mom in an oncologist’s office and heard the words “cancer spreading” and “six to twelve months to live”, and since then, my vision is too narrow for a vision board. The only thing I can see in my future is “fatherless, motherless daughter” and that’s hard to pluck from a magazine.

Since then, my focus and energy have been limited, at best. Not only am I dealing with grief, but I’m dealing with a pretty serious lack of paying work because I just don’t have what it takes to drum it up right now. I’m looking for part time work that will bring in some income while I deal with whatever the future holds.

Where’s the “vision” in all that? Pay the bills, feed the kids, sit with Mom, worry about money, drive the kids to where they need to go, visit Mom again… that’s about all I can muster these days.

This week, though, my friend Segun dropped off a bag of old maps, and suddenly I found myself missing my paints and scissors and Mod podge. Something about those old maps made me want to create again.

Tearing up old maps can feel surprisingly cathartic when there’s no roadmap for the journey you’re traveling along. I tore and I placed and I glued. I shredded roads and lined them up with wasteland. I tore up countries and provinces. I cut lakes in half. I destroyed international borders. I had no idea what was emerging, but it felt good to destroy and then to begin to create again.

After the page was full of torn map pieces, I turned to my stack of old magazines. Not a lot in them inspired me. I wasn’t dreaming of parties or feasts or published books or beautiful retreats. All of that felt foreign and far away.

Suddenly I realized that instead of making a “vision board”, I was making a “lack of vision board”. Something about that acknowledgement felt like a release. I didn’t have to find anything in the images. I didn’t need it to be anything. Maybe just tearing up map pieces was enough for now. Maybe it was the journey and not the destination that I needed.

I left it alone for awhile. I made a pot of soup and sat down to stare out the window while I ate.

Eventually, I came back to it, knowing I wanted to add something more. Paint? Images? I had no idea. I was listless and unfocused, the way I spend much of my time these days.

A few images and words caught my attention. Images related to being on a journey – a man feeding his donkey, a couple in a canoe, a woman on a bicycle, the path of a turtle returning to the sea, a woman carrying her basket on her head. And then there were several images related to the wild – elephants, a butterfly, an eagle, balanced rocks in the tundra. The words were similar – bleak, restless, and a little wild. “Foreigner in their own land.” “The first condition of understanding a foreign country is to smell it.” “Cry of the wild.” “Life-giving death.”

I glued the pieces on. They were sparse on my huge paper, but I didn’t feel like adding more. I didn’t feel like overlapping images the way I usually do. I didn’t want them to touch.

I grabbed my paint. There was too much clarity on the board – I needed it to be muddier. I started adding layers of ochre, orange, and brown – first a wash, then random brushstrokes.

Suddenly I realized that the brushstrokes weren’t random at all. I was creating a series of intertwining paths connecting the images and words. It was all about a journey, but this was no clear map-driven journey. It was random and chaotic, with detours and bumps and unexpected curves. A map to nowhere and everywhere, all at once.

To the paths, I added even more detours – spirals jutting out at random intervals – the pauses along the journey where one must take a deeper spiritual journey before returning to the path.

When the paths were finished, I added the words that came to me: “Pilgrim, there is no path. The path is made by walking.” (from a poem by Antonio Machado) And at the bottom, I added a note just for me. “Walk on.”

I am very fond of my lack-of-vision board. It speaks to me of surrender, trust, and pilgrimage. It tells me to stop trying to control things, to accept the detours when they show up, and to be willing to pause for nourishment and spiritual spiralling. It tells me to follow my wild heart and just keep walking. It lets me know that the detours are not mistakes. It doesn’t expect me to be perfect or focused or even strong. It just lets me be who and where I am right now.

I especially like that at the top left, where the paths seem to be heading, there’s a fierce beautiful eagle taking flight and heading into the light.

*  *  *  *  *  *

A Lack of Vision Board is one of the exercises you’ll find in Pathfinder: A Creative Journal for Finding your Way.

Return to your Wild Heart

 I have seen too many wounded women.
I have watched them lose the light in their eyes when the shadows overcame them.
I have heard a thousand reasons why they no longer give themselves permission to live truthfully.

I have seen too many wild hearts tamed.
I have witnessed the loss of courage when it’s just too hard to keep being an edgewalker in a world that values conformists.
I’ve recognized the fear as they take tiny brave steps, hoping and praying the direction is right.

“I feel guilty whenever I indulge in my passions. It feels selfish and irresponsible.”
“My husband doesn’t like it when I talk about feminine wisdom, so I keep it to myself.”
“If I write the things that are burning in my heart, it will freak people out. So I remain silent.”
“I used to love wandering in the woods, but I never have time for it anymore.”
“I just want to have a real conversation for a change. I want to feel safe to speak my heart.”
“My job makes me feel dead inside, but I don’t know what else I can do.”
“People expect me to be strong and hide my feelings now that I’m in leadership. I feel like I have too much bottled up inside that I can’t share with anyone.”

“Sometimes I think there must be something wrong with me. I just don’t fit in.”

“There is so much longing in the world. I get lost in that longing and don’t know how to sit with it.”
“I wanted to be a painter, but I needed a real career. I haven’t painted in years.”
“People think I’m strange when I share my ideas, so I’ve learned to keep them to myself.”
“I can’t go to church anymore. I don’t feel understood there. But I haven’t found another place where I can find community, so I often feel lonely.”
“There’s a restless energy inside me that wants to be free. I long to be free.”

So much woundedness has been laid tenderly on the ground at my feet.
So many women want their stories validated. Their fears held gently. Their tiny bits of courage honoured.
I hear them whisper “please hear me” through clenched teeth.
I see the tears threaten to overflow out of stoic eyes.
I recognize the longing.
I know the brokenness.
I feel the ache of silenced dreams.

They come to me because they know I have been broken too.
They trust me with their whispers because I am acquainted with fear.
They look to me for courage and understanding because they witness my own long and painful journey back to my wild heart.

I see you.
I know you.
I honour you.
I love you.

You are beautiful.
You are courageous.
You are okay.

You can be wild again.
You can trust your heart. She will not lie to you.
You can live more fully in your body. She will welcome you back.
You can go home to that part of you that feels like it’s been lost.
You can find a circle of people who will understand you.
You can step back into courage.

You have permission to be an edgewalker.
You have permission to speak the things that you’re longing to say.
You have permission to be truly yourself.
You have permission to step away from your responsibilities for awhile.
You have permission to wander in the woods.

You also have permission to be afraid.
And to wait for the right time.
And to sit quietly while you build up your courage.
You don’t need to do this all alone.
And you don’t need to do it all at once.

You don’t need to shout before you’re ready to whisper.
You don’t need to dance before you’ve tried simply swaying to the music.
You can give your woundedness time to heal.

Take a small step back into your self.
Move a little closer to your wild heart.
Pause and touch the wounded places in you.
Just breathe… slowly and deeply.
And when you’re ready, we can do this together.

If this post resonates, please consider the following:

1. Join me as I host a circle of amazing women at A Day Retreat for Women of Courage in Winnipeg on October 20th. Pay what you can.

2. I’m creating a new online program called Lead with Your Wild Heart (related to the themes in this post) that feels like a coming together of a thousand ideas that have filled my head in recent years. Add your name to my email list (top right) to be the first to hear about it and to receive a discount.

What happens when you change the definition of success?

“The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.” – David Orr

The above quote could not have appeared at a better time in my Facebook stream. I’ve been in desperate need of a success reboot.

Today marks the second anniversary of my self-employment. Unfortunately, leading up to this date, my brain was playing the “I am a dismal failure as an entrepreneur” tape on perma-loop.

If you measure my last two years by any success-meter that the corporate world would value, here’s what it looks like:

  • Last year, I made only a third of what I was making in the non-profit management position I walked away from to become self-employed.
  • This year is shaping up to be only slightly better financially.
  • Most of the major consulting contracts I’ve negotiated have either fallen apart altogether or been cut in half part way through the project.
  • Several of the classes I’ve offered online or in person have had only 5 or so people sign up.
  • I had to cancel one of my classes when only one person registered.
  • I have burned through a lot more of my retirement savings than I’d intended to.
  • I still can’t afford the reno project we’ve been dreaming of for half a dozen years.
  • I’m giving up one of the courses I teach regularly at the university because it’s become painfully clear that my skills don’t suit the expectations for this class.
  • I have very little work lined up for the next few months.
  • My writing submissions have been rejected more often than accepted.
  • I’ve been scouring the want ads lately for jobs that might take less of my energy than this relentless self-promotion requires.

It’s not hard to see where the discouragement comes from. This self-employment thing is all kinds of HARD and I haven’t figured out how to make it lucrative. It’s tempting to accompany that loop tape with other failure stories like “I’m not cut out for this”, and “all those other people who make this look easy are smarter than me.”

HOWEVER… the story doesn’t end there. When I work with clients, I use a narrative coaching style in which we work on replacing old worn-out stories with new ones. When I change the definition of success, for example, the picture looks a whole lot different.

  • I have developed an incredible network of people from all over the world. I’ve had (and continue to have) meaningful conversations with many of them.
  • I’ve done one-on-one coaching with more than 2 dozen people and I’ve had the pleasure of watching almost every one of them have an a-ha moment when they re-wrote the stories that were holding them back.
  • Even when only 5 people completed my last Creative Discovery class, every one of them reported that the experience changed them.
  • I’ve received hundreds (maybe even thousands) of emails and comments from people who’ve been deeply impacted by my writing.
  • In each of the eleven university classes I’ve taught, there have been at least a few students who have connected with me in a deep way. I still get lovely emails from some of them, including one today that said “you continue to inspire me”.
  • One of my coaching clients was so transformed by our work together that she gifted me with registration and lodging at my favourite annual authentic leadership gathering.
  • I’ve had the opportunity to teach workshops and classes in all of the subject areas that I dreamed of teaching when I started this journey – leadership, creativity, community, storytelling, and writing.
  • I co-hosted an international women’s gathering and have had the pleasure of hosting several other women’s circles.
  • I’ve written a book that gets better with each edit and I’m committed to publishing it some day.
  • I’ve created multiple offerings that have reached people who said they were exactly what they needed at that time.
  • Together with my beloved, I’ve done some deep and soulful work on my marriage and managed to save it from the brink of disaster.
  • I have been more present for my children than I was when I was employed full time.
  • I have been able to spend extra time with my mom these past few weeks.
  • I have done some deep personal exploration and grown in ways I never anticipated.

No, I’m not financially successful and there’s a good chance I never will be, but, on this, my second anniversary of self-employment, I can hold my head high and call myself a “peacemaker, healer, restorer, storyteller, and lover.” That’s worth a whole lot more than a few dollars in my bank account, or even the shiny new kitchen I dream of having some day.

How do you define success?

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