As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.
Here’s some of my earlier writing…
Finding my why (and helping you do the same)
As I approach my 50th birthday, I am celebrating my "why". The above picture is just that - me, in the middle of my "why". In the picture, I'm teaching from the floor. When we teach The Circle Way (as I did last week), we often teach from the floor. Rather than...
Celebrating my birthday month by offering you gifts
It's my birthday month. I'm turning fifty in just a few weeks. A half century! I'm having some trouble wrapping my brain around that. I had big hopes of doing something epic for my fiftieth birthday. Almost all year, I've been trying to come up with just the right...
I am Self-centred. (But that doesn’t mean I’m selfish.)
Growing up in a Mennonite home, where self-sacrifice was one of the highest goods, I was convinced that self-centredness was one of the seven deadly sins. But as I near my fiftieth year on the planet, I'm learning to be Self-centred, and I'm no longer convinced that's...
Why is it so hard to be real? On authenticity and love.
I wrote a very personal post recently for The Helpers’ Circle about how much I struggle with The Fear of Letting People Down (and how I’ve learned to talk myself out of it). Here’s a quote from that post… “My Fear of Letting People Down started at a young age. I...
When we own our stories, we let go of shame and step into strength
“How would you introduce yourself if you alone got to choose how you are defined?” That’s the question I asked a circle of women who’d gathered for an all-day storytelling workshop yesterday at a downtown women’s resource centre. “There are ways in which we’re...
The gift of falling apart: an Easter story
It’s Easter, the time of year when Christians celebrate the end and the beginning, the death and the resurrection. It is also Springtime, when that which was dead awakes and is renewed. For the past six years, Easter has taken on special significance for me. In my own...
Building relationships that bridge differences
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of speaking at a storytelling event hosted by Manitoba Council for International Cooperation. I shared a story about the journey that lead me from the work I once did in international development to the work I now do. Here's the...
Lessons from the magnolia tree
I have been sick this week, so I don't have a lengthy reflection to share with you, but I thought I'd still take the time to offer one simple thought that came to me while I was in Vancouver. I was fortunate enough to be in Vancouver for the blooming of the magnolia...
Pause for Beauty
I have the privilege of spending this weekend on Vancouver Island. While there, I’ll be teaching a writing workshop (join us in Comox?), sitting in circle with women, and connecting with several friends and colleagues. In between, I’ll be wandering the shoreline,...
Bearing witness and finding belonging
This past weekend I went on a fun little road trip to Minneapolis with my three daughters. There were two moments from that trip that struck a cord with me: 1. I took my youngest daughter to see her favourite musician/Youtuber in concert. It wasn't someone I had much...

Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
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