As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.
Here’s some of my earlier writing…
Wherever relationships grow, the shadow is sure to show up
Last week, I had a unique opportunity to travel to Sedona to support a 5-day retreat and working session. A business development consulting company was gathering their team for a two day retreat, and then was offering a brand new, one-of-a-kind program where a client...
Leave space for others to fill your needs
I’ve come to Sedona, Arizona, to work with a new client, holding space for what is emerging in an innovative and wholehearted business development process. The work is taking shape as we do it, and we are all opening ourselves to possibilities and new...
Spiralling across the sky like a pelican
This week, school is back in session. One of my daughters started today and the other two start tomorrow. Two are now in university and one is in grade 8, her last year before high school. I can say all of the clichéd things, and mean them... My how time flies! Wasn't...
Sometimes holding space feels like doing nothing
Now that it's September, I'm getting back into the rhythm of writing weekly reflections. This one's fairly short. I have a few more thoughts about holding space to share with you... In the past six months, since my blog post went viral, I've done more than half a...
Sometimes you have to write on the walls: Some thoughts on holding space for other people’s personal growth
It all started in Maddy's room. She'd been complaining for quite some time that she'd had to inherit a room decorated for her sisters when they were quite young and it was time for her to have a room fit for her own thirteen-year-old personality. After waffling...
Vacation highlights, upcoming retreat, and some thoughts on balance
I am home, once again. The last time I wrote, I was just back from a week of writing at a cottage by the lake, and now I'm just back from a week and a half vacation with my daughters. How very lucky I have been this summer to find the time and space for...
Learning not to over-explain myself
Three years ago, I finished writing a memoir. After more than a year of hard work, I was pretty sure it just needed the eyes of an editor to find the spelling errors and smooth out the rough spots. I started working on getting it published. But then, life got in the...
A steady mind before a steady hand (what I learned from a jewelry maker)
This past weekend, I made my annual pilgrimage to the Winnipeg Folk Festival. I’ve been going for 30 years and I’ll probably keep going for 30 more, because it fills me up, inspires me, and nourishes my creative spirit. Four days of great music, surrounded by tall...
Why we need more talking pieces
“The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard.” ― William Hazlitt The wedding I officiated on the weekend took place in a circle. The bride and groom and I stood in the centre, with the guests gathered around us. After I had shared a few...
What does courage look like for you?
“One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.” ~Maya Angelou Last night I went for a walk in my favourite...

Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
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