As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.

Here’s some of my earlier writing… 

A guest post from my daughter Julie

My daughter, Julie, the redhead who's fierce and fiery and not afraid to challenge me to be a better person, showed me the short story she wrote for her grade 12 English class, and I was so proud of her I asked if I could share it. (She got 99% - missed a couple of...

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What silences our voices?

There are many reasons to be silent. Violence (or the threat of violence) is one reason for silence. When cartoonists are murdered for satire and young school girls are kidnapped or murdered for daring to go to school, the risk of speaking up becomes too great for...

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My word of the year is SANCTUARY

Sanctuary. A sacred place. A place of refuge. A place where wild beings are safe in their natural habitat. That's what I want to focus on this year. Sanctuary. For myself and for others. The word came to me while I was working on the prompts for A Soulful Year. One of...

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I think in circles: using Mandalas for project planning

It's true - I think in circles. The circle, in some form, shows up in almost everything I do. When I need to connect with Spirit, I walk the labyrinth. When I want to connect with others, I gather people in circle. When I want to connect with myself, or I want to...

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When the nurturers and conquerors share the power

There is Jian Gomeshi, who beat up women for sport and got away with it for years because we all wanted to believe he really was the charming and likeable man we heard on the radio. And then there is Bill Cosby who drugged and raped possibly dozens of women who came...

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You’ve gotta reach out

When Maddy was little, I took her to see Monsters vs. Aliens on the 3D screen. She sat on the edge of her seat in wonder, wearing her 3D glasses and trying to grab the things that came flying off the screen at her. At one point, she turned to me and said with some...

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Shawnigan Lake, B.C.

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