As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.

Here’s some of my earlier writing… 

What if every moment is sacred?

One of Mom's last wishes was that we, her children, wouldn't start fighting over anything after she was gone. She's seen too many families fall apart after the parents are gone and she didn't want that to happen to us. Fortunately, we like each other too much to stop...

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On birds and dying and women’s voices

In the last few months of her life, Mom spent a lot of time watching birds. I often sat and watched with her, marvelling at the variety that came to visit. We don't have much of a history of bird-watching in our family, but we do have a history of paying attention to...

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The courage to love and the courage to grieve

I sit down to write a blog post, and all that comes out is... I don’t have a mother anymore. I try to write in my journal, and the only words that show up on the page are... I’m an orphan now. I don’t know how to be an orphan. I turn to my work, and all I can do is...

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What I said at my Mom’s funeral

Just like we did at Dad's funeral nine years ago, each of the four siblings shared a tribute to our beautiful mom. This is what I shared... I’m curious about something... How many people in this room have had a chance to taste some of my mom’s baking? Some of you may...

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Losing Mom

A week ago, we knew she was slipping away. My siblings and I dropped everything and went to her side. We were with her almost all week, caring for her in her home so she didn't have to go to the hospital. In the early hours of Friday morning, November 23rd, all four...

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Why should we lead with your wild hearts?

The more conversations I have in preparation for Lead with your Wild Heart, the more I am convinced that this work is not optional. This work is critical. This work is what we are all being called to in one way or another. The world needs us to accept the invitation...

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My heart out on my sleeve

I want to put my heart out on my sleeve Wear it where the world can see it pulsing. I want to love wildly. To live vibrantly. To speak daringly. To laugh until I cry. To cry until I laugh. I want to believe that my heart can be safe, Out there in the wild open air....

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Shawnigan Lake, B.C.

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