As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.

Here’s some of my earlier writing… 

Coming out Spiritual

I am spiritual. That's no surprise to you if you've been reading this blog for any period of time. But it might be a surprise to you that I haven't always been comfortable being "out" about my spirituality. For starters, I was raised in a fairly conservative...

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My amazing journey

I am home after nearly two weeks of journeying across the prairies. It was amazing. I am replenished, encouraged, and feeling full of the goodness of this earth and the people on it. I am still on a bit of a high and not entirely sure that I have the right words to...

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“Back to School” Coaching Sale

What do a human rights lawyer in Zimbabwe, a psychologist who's a wealth management specialist in Los Angeles, a former pastor training to be an art therapist in rural Manitoba, and a manager in an international tech company in Chicago have in common? They've all...

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Words that don’t flow in a pretty pattern

I'm in an odd place these days, not one where words flow in gentle streams from my head to the page. More disjointed than that - lots of thoughts, lots of sadness, lots of moments of wonder and realization, but nothing that works its way into a cohesive blog post. So,...

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Sometimes you scream and sometimes you whisper

Sometimes the knot in your stomach that's been hovering at the edges of your life for too long starts growing and you feel like it will strangle you from the inside. Sometimes the self-pity cassette is on repeat in your mind and you can't get past the part about how...

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Out of exile

I make mandalas, write in my journal, paint, do a bit of yoga, and sometimes meditate. All of these things ground and centre me, but my primary spiritual practice is walking in the woods. I feel closer to God when I'm in the woods than anywhere else I can think of....

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The hard work of healing and wholeness

I want you to know that this is not easy work. This work of healing - of becoming more whole, of tuning in to your wild heart, of touching the soft vulnerable centre of your soul, of stepping into your authenticity and courage and wisdom - it is not easy work. There...

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What does it mean to engage?

Leading up to Engage, our retreat for women with love in their hearts and fire in their veins, Desiree Adaway and I are having a series of conversations that you might want to listen in on. In this one, we ask the question "What does it mean to engage?" We talk about...

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Shawnigan Lake, B.C.

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