As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.

Here’s some of my earlier writing… 

What a woman wants

On Friday night, we ordered Chinese takeout. A familiar pattern emerged. My husband and daughters advocated for what they wanted to eat, it got a little heated, and we went back and forth between ordering a family pack and each ordering our favourite items. Where was...

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The deep end of love

Last night my daughter Nikki came to my bedroom. "I broke your mug," she said. "Which one?" I asked. "The orange and blue one," she said. "Too bad," I said. "I like that one, but at least it's not my favourite. I forgive you." A few minutes later she came back. "I was...

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Circling Around to This

Yesterday, as I contemplated whether I should revive/re-write the book I set aside over a year ago, a hit of inspiration came to me. "Circling Around to This". That's the new title for the book. And this morning, this is what poured out... I keep circling around to...

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Small steps toward a better world

"We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps." — Hermann Hesse (Siddhartha) **Trigger warning. What is shared in this post may be disturbing to some.** I hardly know where to begin. I want to write a blog...

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Women and Power

What does it mean to step into our power? Almost every woman I know has an uneasy relationship with power. Some of us want it but are not sure how to get it. Others have it and don’t know how to use it well. Some of us believe we’re unworthy of it, so we pretend we...

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What grows in the dark

We've found a rhythm, he and I. On beautiful Fall Saturdays, he says "let's go fishing", and I say "sure". He grabs his fishing rod and tackle box, I grab my book, camera, and journal, we pack a lunch and drive to his favourite lake. When we get there, he heads toward...

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Shawnigan Lake, B.C.

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