As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.

Here’s some of my earlier writing… 

A circle of connection

I am home tonight, for a quick stopover in between hosting a women's retreat in the woods and then traveling tomorrow (after teaching one of my weekly classes) to Minneapolis for an Art of Hosting training. My life, these days, is all about hosting meaningful,...

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My roots are showing

There's a ridge that runs across the prairies. It was once the beach of the prehistoric Lake Agassiz. Fed by glacial meltwater at the end of the last glacial period, its area was larger than all of the modern Great Lakes combined, and at times it held more water than...

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The promise I made to myself

Three and a half years ago, I brought myself a promise ring. I was visiting Banff at the time, after a business-related road trip through Western Canada. Visiting Banff always brings up mixed emotions for me. I love the beauty of the place, in the middle of the Rocky...

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This is my life, and it’s sometimes good

Let's see... what have I done this week? Well, I taught my regular writing class at university, I welcomed a professional storyteller into my class to do a short workshop (and took her to lunch because she fascinates me), I made arrangements for an upcoming retreat...

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What if I have courage?

Three social scientists once conducted a series of experiments to determine which was more effective, “declarative” self-talk (I will fix it!) or “interrogative” self-talk (Can I fix it?). They began by presenting a group of participants with some anagrams to solve...

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You do not have to be good

You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body Love what it loves. I keep coming back to this elegant little slice of Mary Oliver's poem, Wild...

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There is good work to do

I sat in a small room at the hospital, between my friend Terence and a social worker and across from two police officers. I had just been raped by a man high on glue who'd climbed in my bedroom window. Terence had brought me to the hospital. "You need to think...

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Honouring women of courage on International Women’s Day

From my Facebook feed... I wanted to write a "real" blog post for International Women's Day, but a head cold has made my brain all fuzzy and every time I tried, the words got jumbled up on the way to my keyboard. So instead of a blog post, I raise my glass to the...

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Shawnigan Lake, B.C.

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