As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.

Here’s some of my earlier writing… 

What does it mean to be wild?

I didn’t know how much launching Lead with your Wild Heart would change my life and my business, but it has, dramatically. Interviewing the incredible members of my wisdom circle, researching, writing, and teaching this program have taught me more than any course I’ve...

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Finding hope again

I wanted to find hope again. I really, REALLY longed for it. I wanted to have some hint of what it will be like when I no longer feel buried under the grief of Mom's death and the added trauma of Marcel's heart attack and the accompanying financial stress, extra...

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Today I am rising

I am rising for the 21 year old girl I was when the man, high on glue, climbed through my bedroom window, held a blade above my head, and raped me. I am rising for the many, many times since then that I have struggled with intimacy because my first sexual experience...

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Some day, I’ll write a happy post again

Last Thursday morning, our life was thrown into turmoil again. Marcel woke me up at 3:33 a.m., complaining of chest pains. I rushed him to the hospital, and within a few hours they'd confirmed that he'd had a heart attack and would need a procedure of some kind...

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Let me lend you some of my courage

I've taken on the delightful task of co-hosting a women's leadership learning circle that meets every second Tuesday in a rural community in our province. Yesterday's circle focused on conflict resolution and difficult conversations. We started the evening making...

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It all begins with love

A few days ago, I posted the above photo of a magazine cover on my Facebook page. My comment accompanying the photo was "I detest headlines like this. What's wrong with the old me?" The photo elicited an interesting discussion about whether or not we should strive to...

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Coming back home

Since my kairos moment at the retreat centre a few weeks ago, when I decided that my word for 2013 would be "home", some really good things have been happening. I've spoken of a lot of sadness on this blog for the last few months (and will again - the sadness is far...

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My heart longs for home (my word for 2013)

I haven’t been able to write much these past few weeks. My heart has been aching. Christmas has always been about family and at the centre of the family has always been Mom. Without her, I feel like I’ve lost my anchor. This became especially clear to me just before...

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Shawnigan Lake, B.C.

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