As of April 2024, my blog has moved over to Substack where I’m co-hosting A Tender Space (together with my business partner at Centre for Holding Space). You can find my new writing plus podcast episodes there, or sign up below to get them in your inbox.
Here’s some of my earlier writing…
Host yourself, and then host others
Earlier this week, I was feeling a little discouraged about the "me, me, ME culture" that seems so pervasive in our North American affluence. I wrote a bit about that in my post about all of us being citizens of the world. Some days, I go through my social media...
This is my practice
Saturday was going to be a perfect day. I didn't have much planned, so I could get some of my long overdue cleaning done, and then enjoy the irresistible Spring weather with a bike ride, a wander in the woods - maybe even a trip to the zoo. Maddy was vying for ice...
We are all citizens of the world
Standing in the park on Saturday, surrounded by my students after the Stand Up Super Games, I got a little choked up. I was immensely proud of this great group of students who'd pulled together, despite some of the rough spots they'd been through, to create a great...
How to create a beautiful retreat for leaders and emerging leaders
"I can't imagine one single thing that could have improved upon this day." That was my Facebook status on the second day of the women's leadership retreat I co-hosted this past weekend. Yes, it really was that good. If you had asked me, three years ago when I was...
It’s never too late to start
Last night, I was privileged to be present when Neda, a former participant in my Creative Discovery class and Horses & Mandalas workshop, launched her first poetry book, Neda: Whisperings of the Divine. Neda is the same person who gifted me with the beautiful...
How do we help the men?
Three years ago, I read an article called Boys Don't Cry, by Richard Rohr. Since then, I've been sharing it with nearly everyone I know who's raising sons. The article speaks of the challenge men face in a patriarchal world... After 20 years of working with men on...
“I see beauty everywhere”
Like many Canadians (and people from all over the world), I have fallen in love with astronaut Chris Hadfield in the last four months. Not only is he an exceptional human being (Canada's first commander of the International Space Station, a gifted musician, and a...
The unfinished business of living
Around this time last year, I finished what I thought was my final edit on my book before starting to figure out how to get it published. Not only did I finish it, but my friend Segun shared the first 5 chapters of it with his advanced graphic design class and gave...
On surrender, trust, and abundance
Last Friday was a bad day - one of the worst I've had in a long time. I spent a lot of time worrying and stressing and trying to control the outcome of things that were outside of my control. I also spent a lot of time beating myself up for doing these things (because...
Come wander with me… and hear the story of an encounter with a deer
This weekend was magical - the kind of beautiful Spring weather that brings hope back to the prairies. It's been a long, hard winter here, and Spring has never been more welcome. Best of all? I finally had time to enjoy it. I wandered in the woods, visited the...

Shawnigan Lake, B.C.
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